Lord Alan of Bellwood

Lady Aldrin inn Gladis
Interests: weaving, sewing, embroidery

Alistair Cearbach
Interests: medieval hand-to-hand combat, archery, cooking, gaming, and heavy and rapier combat

Mistress Alphia Biraz-Pars
Interests: Dance (European & Middle Eastern), equestrian, archery,cooking, textile arts, fencing, instrumental & vocal music.

Anbreida Ales-Braley
Interests: Illumination, sewing, calligraphy, jewelry making, reading

Lord Antonio Tagliaferro

Lady Asa the Nine Fingered
Interests: historical knitting, embroidery, natural dyeing, gardening, herb-lore, weaving.

THL Astridr Arnardottir
Interests: Calligraphy & illumination, tablet weaving, brewing mead, service

Baron Avery Austringer
Interests: Armoured Combat, Woodworking, Pewter Casting, Armoring, Leather Working, Bardic Recitation

Lancer Azzah bint al-Badawi al-Murabbiyyah al-Rualliyyah
Interests: Equestrian, persona studies (particularly Arabic), Near/Middle Eastern garb research, illumination, tack making, bardic, archery, fencing, and heavy combat.

Lord Bartelmeu le Wis

Baroness Berengaria Mordaunt
Interests: Cooking feasts, baking bread, building cobb ovens, drafting and sewing garb, making jewelry, embroidery.

Lady Bethòc MacDonald of Cnoc
Interests: fencing, fiber arts, painting.

Brock Nash
Interests: heavy combat, Wood working armoring, leather working.

Master Bubba Godgodsson(Zardrick Vansson)
Interests: Archery, equestrian, will assist in training for armored combat, grilling

Lord Buckmaster Thomas

Lady Catalina Mellini called Lina

Lord Clive the Fletcher

Mistress Caroline de Mercier

Lady Celestria De Surmulot
Interests: Armored combat, Bardic, Beading, Cooking, Dancing, Fencing, Period egg decorating

Lady Cellach ni Thighearnaigh

Lord Christian van den Vos

Lord Cristen Fynlo
Interests: Spanish rapier, Medieval medicine and Surgery.

Master Daniel Eyesham of Tweed

Lady Dorcas the Lost(Kazia (of Baile na Scolairi))

Lady Elspeth Miriella of Wod Hill

Fatima Hatun el Haziz
Interests:cooking, baking, dancing, thrown weapons, hetbology, perfumery, drumming, coursing

Lord Fintan Mac Aldin

Lord Kallinikos of Rhodes

Baron Leopold von Haskenberg

Lady Lyonesse Meyrick

Lord Magnus Raudr Gandr
Interests: Steel fighting, cooking, the occult and archery

Her Ladyship Malina an Eich Gil
Interests: illumination, pyrography, archery, herbology, cooking, and jewellry making

Lady Margaret MacLeod of Duntulm
Interests: fencing, fiber arts, sewing, scribal arts

Lady Margyt Withycombe

Reichsfreiherr Maximilian von Fallingbostel
Interests: German Swordsmanship, Rapier, Cut & Thrust.

Lady Melisende de Westemere

THL Mwynwen-Ysginidd (called Strawberry)

Magistra Petrona da Manciano
Interests: Archery, Equestrian, Silk Painting, Scribal Arts, Glass Working, Heraldry, Protocol and Theatre. Devoted Royalist.

Maitre Philippe de Lyon
Interests:Historical combat, dancing 16th C card games, pewter casting, minting coins, thrown weapons, C&T, 16th C courtier arts

Lady Tali Essen of the Isles
Interests: Weaving, Bardic, Scribal Arts

Thomas Braley of Derry
Interests: Leatherwork, forging, thrown weapons, archery, rapier, needlework.