The Barony of Shattered Crystal Presents
Longsword Symposium
9th of November, 2024
Leu Civic Center
213 North Market Street
Mascoutah, IL 62258
Site is open from 9am-10pm
Mail-In (snail-mail) available until Tuesday, October 29 (postmark date)
ePay (Paypal) available from Tuesday, September 3 thru Monday, November 4
Make checks payable to: SCA-IL, Inc – Barony of Shattered Crystal
Mail to: Barony of Shattered Crystal c/o Rebecca Moidel, 1227 Woodbridge Crossing Dr, Chesterfield, MO 63005
Registration Questions: [email protected]
Site Fee:
Adult, Non-SCA Member: $30
Adult, SCA Member: $20
Minors (0-17): $0
Three tracks of classes in the morning and afternoon with sparring in the evening.
Master Raphael di Mersi teaching Bologneese Longsword for C&T combat
Duke Eikbrander Solgyafi teaching Fiore Longsword for armored combat
Warder Lazaro de Taledo teaching Fiore Longsword for rapier combat
Class information:
Classes are an depth look at the systems and perfect for beginners and enthusiasts.
Some loaner equipment available
Dux Eikbrandr – Mailfechten Longsword
class description: This will be a one-day Intensive class, in which I will teach the basic, intermediate, and some advanced Longsword fighting techniques, inspired by Liechtenauer and Fiore, from my Mailfechten Longsword school. The training weapon for my school is the rattan waster. This class will be very hands on. At minimum students should bring a fencing mask and gauntlets to allow ½ speed work. There will be spare longswords available, but bring your own if you have one. We will also do full armored sparring as part of the class for those bringing their full armor kit. Please send questions to me at royaleikbrandr.com
Maestro Raphael di Merisi
Maestro Raphael di Merisi, winner of over four dozen fencing tournaments, a certified longsword instructor through Academie Duello, former society A&S deputy for historic combat, and author of “Bolognese Longsword for the Modern Practitioner” is incredibly excited to be one of your instructors this year. With one foot in the academic side of things and the other in tournament combat, Raphael brings us his uniquely grounded approach. Whether you were looking for a better way to connect with the books or just how to punk people in the face more efficiently, this is the class for you.
Newsletter: https://fool-of-swords.beehiiv.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@foolofswords4634/videos
This class is applicable to SCA Cut & Thrust. Raphael’s class is hands on. Mask, sword and gauntlet’s are recommended. You do not need to be authorized to participate in the class.
Warder Lazaro De Toledo
(Antonio Andrade) is an instructor of Spanish Rapier at he Columbus Rapier Academy. He has been fencing in the SCA since 2012. Lazaro is a Warder of the Bronze Ring and a Sergeant of Red Company. He has studied Italian and German longsword as well as Spanish and has spent 13 year4s on incorporating their philosophies for use in SCA Rapier Combat.
Warder Lazo Will be teaching Two handed Sword for Heavy Rapier. It is a mixture of Fiore , the German Masters, and the Spanish Masters. This class is aimed to make the two handed sword a vital and versatile Weapon both in tournament and in melee. for the class you will need a rapier legale long sword / 2 handed sword and mask. You do not have to be authorized in rapier. Some loaner equipment will be available.